Our Living Ports project in the Port of Vigo (Spain) has won the International Ports and Harbors Sustainability Award for Infrastructure! The project is designed to catalyze new concepts for environmentally sustainable port infrastructure, and it is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 funds. The multi-national project consortium is led by ECOncrete.

We are proud to announce that our Living Ports project in the Port of Vigo was awarded the Sustainability Award in the infrastructure category by the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH). The multi-layered initiative to develop more sustainable, next-generation ports infrastructure, was recognized for its pioneering work within the ports industry.

Voting took place via a public vote (30%) and jury evaluation (70%). The other nominees included environmental and sustainability initiatives of the Port of Rotterdam (NL), Port of Hamburg (D) and Gladstone Ports (AU).

Proud To Lead The Field And Set A New Standard

Ido Sella, CEO of ECOncrete said, “We are excited that Living Ports has been recognized by the public and peer voting for the innovative project it truly is! ECOncrete is proud to lead this project, developing next-generation port infrastructure. We hope that this project will continue to act as a leading example for the future of the sustainable ports ecosystem in Spain, Europe and the wider global community!”

The project is designed to showcase and scientifically document new technologies and ideas to achieve environmental & biological goals, as well as social goals (port-city integration).

Carlos Botana, Head of Sustainability Department at Port of Vigo, stated in his acceptance speech at the IAPH World Ports Conference: “This project deals with a new concept that is committed to building green (blue) port infrastructure, and integrating ports into the ecosystem and into the city.”

1 Port – 2 Sites – Multiple Installations

Living Ports includes a 310m² ECOncrete sea wall and 100 ECOncrete Coastalock single layer armour units, installed at 2 sites in the Port of Vigo. The bio-enhancing concrete units will provide coastal stabilization as well as habitat creation and ecological uplift.

The floating observation deck will give access to researches as well as to the community and visitors to the port, to witness firsthand the development of biodiversity and port ecosystem on and around the ECOncrete sea wall units.

About the Project Consortium

The project consortium is led by ECOncrete, providing bio-enhancing concrete technology for more sustainable and ecological marine infrastructure. Living Ports is a central part of the Port of Vigo’s Blue Growth strategy and includes development of an underwater observation platform designed and developed by Cardama Shipyard. Implementation, monitoring and validation will be performed in cooperation with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).

Official Website Living Ports

Official Website IAPH/WPSP Sustainability Awards