ECOncrete is honored to be selected as a partner for the US Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN). We are looking forward to actively engaging with the The N-EWN executive committee, N-EWN partners and countless stakeholders to change how future coastal and marine infrastructure look and function.

The Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) is a community of researchers, practitioners, and educators working together to advance Engineering With Nature. N-EWN’s approach relies on the belief that infrastructure challenges are best met through rich and in-depth collaboration,  transdisciplinary teamwork, real-world applications, and education & outreach.

This approach necessitates partnerships and connectivity across organizations, including government (federal, tribal,  state, and local), universities, research institutions, non-profit partners, and the private sector. Building and maintaining effective connections across this spectrum requires a clear understanding of the structure and governance of the network.

With this commitment comes tangible outreach, from education to policy makers, and the support of technical initiatives that will drive the implementation process of NBS, ensuring that biodiversity goals continue to thrive in the future.

At ECOncrete we have 10+ years of experience in nature based design, engineering and construction, enhancing concrete infrastructure to support marine biodiversity. Our technology is founded in scientific R&D based on marine biology and civil engineering principles. Our interdisciplinary teams made up of marine biologists, designers, architects, concrete specialists and civil engineers, are looking forward to engaging in the Network to ensure that marine biodiversity goals continue to thrive in the future.

Upcoming Events

As an advisory member of the N-EWN, we will be presenting case studies and best practices for nature-inclusive infrastructure.

Thursday June 20th, online: Ido Sella, Co-Founder and CEO, presenting ‘Design for Biodiversity, Nature-Inclusive Applications in Urban Waterfronts & Coastal Infrastructure’. This webinar is part of the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature.  Register now to join the N-EWN webinar online (free) 

For more information see partner section on: the N-EWN official website