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The Goal

The primary goal of the Newlyn coastal protection project is to explore and implement nature-based solutions (NBS) to manage flood and coastal erosion risks effectively. This approach aims to enhance the resilience of Newlyn’s coastal infrastructure, provide multiple environmental benefits such as habitat creation and carbon sequestration, and align with the overarching ambitions of national and regional flood risk management strategies​​.

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The Challenge

Newlyn faces significant challenges due to its highly modified coastline, which includes harbour structures, channelised inlets, and existing rock armour breakwaters. The town is at risk from fluvial and tidal flooding, with past events causing property damage and posing dangers to the community. Additionally, coastal erosion remains a concern, particularly along the Foster-Bolitho Gardens frontage. Existing defences are ad-hoc and temporary, underscoring the need for sustainable, long-term solutions that can adapt to increasing flood risks and sea level rise​​.

How it Was Built


The Newlyn coastal protection project, part of the SARCC initiative led by the Environment Agency, integrated nature-based solutions (NBS) with existing coastal defenses. This included deploying 88 eco-blocks provided by ECOncrete and four other companies, designed to serve as coastal armor while creating intertidal habitats and potential carbon sinks. These blocks were strategically placed around the existing rock armor breakwater. The project involved extensive community engagement to discuss flood risks, climate change, and the benefits of NBS, including biodiversity net gain (BNG). A five-year monitoring program is assessing the eco-blocks’ performance, promoting understanding of this technology for future projects across Mounts Bay. Images: Kier

Learn more on the UK Government’s Website.




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